It is with our pleasure that we announce that NEOS Pharmaceuticals has begun the process of developing four new products to make them available in the Middle East and North Africa with the help of our affiliate United Pharma for Marketing, currently based in Dubai.
The first product will take the form of a gel whose purpose is providing pain relief for any type of injuries sustained from physical activity as well as arthritis conditions and any kind of soreness that manifest in muscles or joints. The second product will be a cream whose main indication will be the treatment of anal fissures and similar tears that occur in that region. The third product will also be a cream with the goal of treating cases of erectile dysfunction. The fourth product will be a triple-therapy gel designed to treat peptic ulcers.
Additionally, we’d also like to publicize that we’re currently in the middle of negotiating with two European-based companies, one from Greece and the other from Bulgaria, which we hope to conclude to the satisfaction of all parties involved. Accordingly, an announcement will be made upon signing agreements.